Name | Numbers of Entries |
Last Update Date: | 2020-05-19 |
Ensembl version | Human Release-90 |
Number of Nonredundant Ensembl Entries: | 104817 |
Uniprot(Swissprot) version | UniProt Release 2017_09 |
Number of Nonredundant Uniprot Entries: | 594927 |
Number of Combined Nonredundant Ensembl/Uniprot Entires: | 559575 |
Number of PDB Entries of Chains and Segments: | 142614 |
Number of PDB Biological Macromolecular Structures: | 462832 |
Number of Protein-PDB alignments: | 22769499 |
G2S database stored alignments from protein sequences against PDB sequences.
The sources of protein sequences are from Uniprot (Only includes Swissprot) and HUMAN ENSEMBL. All the protein sequences are combined together to remove redundancy.
G2S makes automatic frequent (WEEKLY) updates to the set of pre-caculated alignments as new/obsolete/modified protein structures are added to RCSB Protein Data Bank, while keeping the set of protein sequences from public protein sequence databases fixed. Less frequently (MONTHS), the system is re-initialized using an updated set of protein sequences in new release of Uniprot/Ensembl, and during re-initialization an all-against-all alignment process is executed.